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Do you really want to swim faster?
Looking good doesn't mean you will swim faster. If you didn't train to swim competitively as a youngster, or you are not in the 2 - 5 athle
More myth busting in Cozumel!
This past week was like time travel, back to previous years of running camps, a pro team, and a social program out of the idyllic island...
Should I do the birthday set?
The posting of Nicola and Celine’s birthday party set brought a number of enquiries from members of our trisutto family? Coach why didn’t...
Hold the line
It’s a tough gig going against the peer group in anything – both for athletes, and for coaches.
Total Body Force Swimming – Part 2
In the second of our 2 part series Brett address’ the specifics of the TBF stroke and the principles behind developing a stroke for the...
Total Body Force Swimming – Part 1
Over the past 12 months we have received numerous requests from our readers for more information about our swim technique – Total Body...
Total Body Force Swimming –Part 3 Cadence for Women
Our recent blogs and discussions about Total Body Force (TBF) swim techniques have highlighted the need to find a stroke that we can...
What's the best swim training mix?
Before going into detail on getting the 'swim' mix right, let me say that we at Trisutto view the whole mix of swim, bike and run...
Dare to be different - Total Body Force Swimming
When I think about athletic excellence what comes to mind is a perfect technique, effortless movements, speed without looking like...
Don't drink, don't sink
Each season brings a new group of triathletes and with them their inevitable water bottles to the side of the swimming pool. Season after...
The 7 myths of swimming for triathlon
1) The 6-Beat Kick A 6-beat technique is not a fundamental of swimming fast. This is even more true in triathlon when we are covering...
Swim training in short pools
At our 2015 camp in Jeju, we had to improvise as the Olympic standard pool closed down for three days over Korean Thanksgiving. It left...
Tri Medley: Breaststroke for triathlon
Why don't you use backstroke as part of the triathlon medley? In normal medley swimming we move from butterfly into backstroke. However...
Tri Medley: The 3/2/2 drill
Pro and age group athletes on deck before starting their tri-medley warm up. The 3/2/2 drill is our way of doing butterfly. It...
Tri Medley: The 3/3 drill
We will conclude the series on the Tri Medley by discussing the last drills we use following the 3/2/2 drill and the breaststroke with...
Medley swimming for triathlon
People are often surprised that we incorporate medley swimming drills (modified butterfly, breaststroke) into the swim programs of our...
Message to the time bandits
It’s a matter of seconds, but they’re crucial. As we start to build into our St Moritz camps it’s obvious that one of the biggest...
Swim improvement with the Trisutto squad
I want to pass on a personal note that we received from one of our early camp participants, as I’m sure most challenged swimmers can...
What stroke is right for me?
Since launching this is the question I get asked about more than any other. While I appreciate all the support and inquiries...
The chopping board paddles
Nicola Spirig with her chopping board paddles, which outperform all rivals in trying to model the same position in the water. The humble...
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