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This pack contains all 5 Trisutto Marathon training plans. This is for coaches looking to add these to their training plan library (at a discounted price), caters for runners and triathletes wanting to run a marathon. 


It contains these plans:


  • Run Finisher - This is a running training plan. It is not a triathlon plan. It is aimed at recreational runners who can complete a 5km and would like to attempt their first marathon event with the goal of finishing. 


  • Run Advanced Elite - This is an advanced running training plan. It is not a triathlon plan. This plan is for experienced runners only. It assumes the athlete has 8+ weeks of consistent run training prior to commencing the plan. The plan has a preparation phase (up to 36 weeks) and an advanced phase (12 to 16 weeks). Completion of the preparation phase will be adequate for most athletes to run an excellent marathon. 


  • Triathlete Finisher - This plan is suitable for triathletes looking to finish a marathon. It contains 1 workout per day, building up to 8 hours per week (of run, swim and bike). 


  • Triathlete Intermediate - Each week is comprised of 1 to 2 workouts per day with one rest day. Starting at 6 to 7 hours per week, the program builds up to 12 hours maximum in the biggest volume weeks (of run, swim and bike). 


  • Triathlete Advanced - Each week is comprised of 1 to 2 workouts per day. Starting at approx 12 hours per week, the program builds up to 18 hours per week (of run, swim and bike). 


Marathon plans pack for coaches

Excluding GST
  • Download your training plan in PDF format from your purchase receipt that is emailed to you.

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